- 初回:80分£80、110分@£110
- 2回目以降:60分@£60、90分@£90
- 5回コース:60分 x 5回コースは£300 / 90分x 5回は £450
ー 初回:80分£130、110分@£170
ー 2回目以降 50分@£100。80分@£160.
- 5回コース:50分 x 5回コースは£500 / 80分x 5回は £790 (コーチング前の事前準備セッション 20分セッションを含む)
– 夢を叶えたい
- いかに自分の弱点を克服していけるのか
- 物事をなかなか完了させられない、または行動が取れない
– メンタル面をいかに強く、ぶれないように保てるようにできるのか
– 仕事は生活の為にしているがやりたい事ではないので、本当にしたいことをしたい
‐ 仕事で昇進、昇給したいが壁にあたっている
– 人生のパートナーに出会いたいが出会えない。何か欠けているのか
– 他人から期待されている人生をおくっていないかどうか。本当の自分は。
– 心身ともに健全に過ごすにはどうすればいいのか
– 心の中での葛藤や怒りを解放し、いかに幸せに平穏に過ごすことができるのか
– いかに充実した人生を送ることができるのか
コーチングセッションの流れ 一例
- 初回のみコーチング概要セッション:コーチングのことをよくご存じない方が多いので、誤解のないように初めにお互いの期待レベル、コーチングではアドバイスがないこと、その代わりにご自身が深く中から答えを見つけて目標を叶えていくための流れ等を簡単にご説明します。コーチングでは前向きに進み積極的に人生の将来を変えていきたい方を対象としており、過去を中心に見直したり、癒しを目的としていないため、心身の痛みやトラウマを癒されたい方、悩みを軽減したい方は、NLPやヒプノセッションをご予約ください。
- 現状の問題把握、認識
- 感情、思考パターンを模索し、Limited Beliefや極端な価値観、思考形態を探る
- 適宜必要に応じてブロック解放、癒しワークを行う(NLP、心理ワーク)
- 選択肢の模索
- ご自身によるゴール設定、及び結果を出すためのサポート
* アプローチ方法はいろいろあるので、適宜テイラーメードになります。
* 5回以上のコースを始められる方は、実際のコーチングの前に、コース後に結果を出すために下記のインフォメーション・パッケージが含まれます。
‐ 事前セッション20分(電話にて)
‐ お申込書
‐ ゴール設定ワークシート
‐ 過去の自分の経緯を見つめ直すワークシート
‐ コーチング レコードシート
* コースの場合は事前に一括、または2分割でお支払いください。
* コースのキャンセルはコースが始まる3日以内のキャンセルは£100.一度始まると返金はありませんが、状況に応じ(天災)、受けられたセッションを各々50-60分セッションは£120、80-90分セッションは£180でチャージさせていただき、残りを返金することも可能です。
* 各コースの日時は調整、変更できます。セッション日時確定後、各セッション前48hは£50、24h以内は£60がかかりますでご留意ください。(セッション失念も含みます)
* 単発セッションでのキャンセル方針は48h以内では£50、24hは100%チャージとなりますのでご留意ください。
<お客様ご感想 一例>
”I have found the coaching Kei has given me very helpful, particularly in teasing out options that I would not have managed to get to on my own. This has led me to making changes in my life that I previously would not have envisioned. For example in the area of my health. I have been trying to improve my diet for some time and Kei’s coaching has led me to finally achieve a more healthy approach to food.
The most significant impact was when Kei gently pointed out a limiting belief I held. I had always thought that I knew myself, and any limiting beliefs I have, pretty well but Kei was able to home in on one that I was not aware of. She led me towards it in such a way that it became obvious to me that this was the problem for me and thereby got me back on track. I have learned so much from Kei over time together and would not hesitate in recommending her as a coach.
(Liz, English female, Corporate Finance, Greater London, Dec 2016)
”I needed some help to stay focused on my course as I felt overwhelmed at the thought of having to tackle big tasks whilst managing my busy life. Kei helped me become clearer of what important steps I needed to take through her powerful questioning and through challenging gently my limiting beliefs. She enabled me to trust my ability to do it and do it well in view of completing my course. I felt very much listened to as Kei would rephrase the information I gave her and formulate her questions based on my answers. She also praised me and gave me a lot of encouragement. I am determined to take actions and also feel good about achieving goal!”
(Anne, French female, Massage therapist, North London, Jan 2017)
”Kei is passionate, delicate and determined. Her personal behaviour perfectly matched with the role of life coach. She knows how to guide the client in elaborating his/her action plan always without interfering or forcing with her personal opinions, which I really appreciated. Her guide is fundamental to help the client understand their priorities in life and their feeling towards the objectives they want to achieve. After the sessions, I learnt that a simple plan has more chance to succeed. I feel more secure and relaxed about myself and more conscious of my potential. Overall it has been a useful experience and I would extremely recommend her sessions to everyone. What I liked most is their immediate effects on my daily life since the beginning of the session.”
(Italian female, lawyer, 30s, London, Sep 2016)
“During a coaching session, I realized that if I am not going to finish my NLP and coaching training in London, then it will probably never happen. After the session, I felt a lot more motivated to actually finish my studies. Kei was great as always. Overall we had many sessions and she was always very professional and positive that helped me not only progress in my IT career, coaching, NLP, fitness and relationship but she also helped me immensely to find myself, rediscover who I want to be and exactly what I want to achieve in life. Kei really helped me stay focused and motivated, which resulted in me achieving a lot more than I thought I am capable of. Thank you Kei!”
(Jeno, Romanian male, 20s, IT software consultant, Nov 2016)
“In 6 sessions, Kei helped me generate a list of skills that I have, which can help me generate more income. She knows how to ask the right questions at the right time. I didn’t know anything about coaching but after I started sessions with her, I started to do things at a higher speed. I found Kei to be friendly, trustworthy, helpful and sincere. I have no hesitation in recommending her. ”
(Romanian male, 20s, Real estate, Oct 2016)
“Thought provoking, but in a structured concise manner. Enabled me to think of various options on how to achieve my goals. Overall, nice, relaxed and useful coaching session.”
(Australian male, 30s, project manager, London, Sep 2016)
“Coaching session was really helpful and we concentrated the discussion on the importance of communication, the importance of investing time, and also the importance of being present. ”
(Italian female, Corporate, manager, 30s, London Jun 2016)
“I was unsure about being coached as I have always been good at achieving my goals and wasn’t sure I needed any ‘help’. However, I found the sessions more useful than I had anticipated. Kei was really good at keeping us on track and helping me explore alternatives to those I had already thought up. She used very thoughtful, and thought provoking questions which often sent me down a different thought path than I would have managed on my own. Kei was also very encouraging and helped build my confidence in my ability to see through the plans I had made. She is a very friendly and caring individual and this helped me to follow through on my commitments as I didn’t want her to be disappointed in me!”
(English female, 50s, finance, Greater London, 2016 July)
‘‘The coaching session allowed me to get rooted in my belief/reality surrounding my goals. It showed me where I need to prioritise my life. It also gave me confidence and self actualisation into building and creating my life forwards for the new year of 2018.
(English male, Consultant, 20s, London, Dec 2017)
“Very positive indeed. The session showed me the potential of my plan. Kei listened attentively and helped break down steps and helped me dispel things that would hold me back. She asked lots of questions to help me build pictures of how things could work.”
(British Pakistan male, media, 40s, London, Oct 2016)
“What the session helped me to decide on auctioning on important goal given a very short time available to achieve this goal. I realised that this goal would greatly improve my immediate situation in finances and employability opportunities and that I should therefore put into action a make an immediate effort to achieve this. The session was smooth and comfortable.”
(South African male, Psychotherapist, 40s, London, Aug 2016)
“I greatly appreciated Kei’s session we had together. It had a great impact on my understanding of my motives in relations to the job transition that I plan in immediate future. Kei is a great listener and has great persistence in pursing points I would rather avoid and that was fundamental to making decisions as to direction of my future objectives and actions. I could not recommend Kei’s service more to anyone wishing to make a change for the better in their lives. Thank you Kei” (Michal, Polish male, Coach, London, Aug 2016)
“I had a very thought provoking session with Kei and have come out part of my plan that I agreed with her. I found Kei’s listening and questioning skills reflected back what I had said very effective.”
(English female, Corporate Trainer, 50s, London, April 2016)
“This was my first coaching session and I would like to have another one. Session aimed to clarify what I wanted and reach goals. It was good Kei helped me explore options and make plans to achieve my goals step by step. It was efficient and organized. ”
(French male, massage therapist and Reiki healer, 20s, London, Apr 2016)